Shenzhen Each House Technology Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Each House Technology Co., Ltd

Products Category
Contact Us

Name: Michelle Yin
Tel: +86-83249850
Fax: +86-83249850
Mobile: +86-13823510166
Add: 3/F,Bldg. 4, Seg Industry Park, Zhenxing Road, Shenzhen City, China
QQ: 82865748,565154145

New Building Energy Saving Solution

Author : 13823510166 Date : 2021-4-17 22:10:41

We can install energy saver to whole building free of charge while saved electricity fee goes to our account.

Perform Energy Efficiency Consulting on New Buildings

To work with construction team of the New Buildings from design stage till final completion of the new buildings to make

proposal and consultancy for energy saving and more efficient operation of appliances such as chillers, pumps, lighting, lifts

and escalators etc.

Propose Solutions

1.Propose within existing system equipment repair, new equipment replacement and installation, re-design of existing system,

new system design

2.Propose new energy system design like solar and wind power system design and installation

3.Assist customers in Hong Kong to apply for certificate of registration of ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING in Hong Kong if

proposals have been implemented.

4.Implement Energy Improvement System – reduce energy costs, reduce operating costs, more greenable enterprises and

more market competitiveness.